
Ichiro Kishimoto, President and Representative Director

We would like to thank you for your continued support.
My name is Ichiro Kishimoto, and I have been the president of F.C.G. Research Institute since June 2021.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words to you on assuming this position.

Fuji Sankei Research Institute was established in 1985 through the merger of the research and study organizations of the Fuji Sankei Group. Since then, we have provided a variety of products and services as a link between consumers, companies, and the media, and have disseminated information related to safety and security.

In these turbulent times, especially with the global spread of infectious diseases, social needs for safety and security are increasing at an accelerating pace. In this environment, each and every one of our employees, with an eye on the world of after-corona, continues to investigate and research on a daily basis, disseminate the latest information, and strive to develop services that respond to the changes of the times.

As a comprehensive research institute of the Fuji Sankei Group, we will continue to work to develop new services that meet the needs of the changing times through the establishment of the We will continue to live up to your trust and expectations and contribute to the public interest in accordance with our philosophy, "From the viewpoint of consumers, we will continue to strive for safety and realize a future in which everyone can feel safe and secure.

We sincerely appreciate your continued support and guidance.

FCG Research Institute,Inc.
Ichiro Kishimoto,
President and Representative Director